Monday, January 30, 2012

emma (looking at a wedding picture of me and mark): is that when you married daddy?
me: yep
emma: oh. when i get bigger i'm going to marry daddy in the temple. and i'm going to wear a big white dress and a veil just like aunt kelli. and i'm going to have yellow flowers.

(emma's preschool teacher told me this one).
emma wanted to have a pink bowl at snack time but there was only one, and another little girl had already gotten the pink bowl. so emma's teacher found a pale orange one and assumed she could just convince emma it was pink.
teacher: here's one that's kinda pink
emma: this isn't pink
teacher: sure it is.
emma: it looks awfully orange to me.

sometimes max wakes up early in the morning (5 AM or so) asking for milk. a few mornings ago, i heard him crying in his room, so i went in there expecting him to ask me for a bottle. instead, i was greeted with, "mommy, want to watch spiderman!" sorry kiddo, but 5 AM is way too early to watch cartoons.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

part of emma's dinnertime prayer:
"grateful that i could go to ballet today and learn how to dance and learn how to do ballet like this:" she then began acting out some of the dance moves she learned.

emma asked me to teach her how to bake a pretend cake, so i was giving her instructions like "get a bowl. now pour the cake mix in the bowl. now add an egg." etc. after she had frosted her pretend cake, i told her she could eat it.
emma: actually mom, it's for my kids.
me: oh. well your kids can eat it then.
emma: they're not here right now, they're at the store. but we need to make another cake.
me: why?
emma: because i have a lot of kids.
me: how many kids do you have?
emma: 15.
me: oh. that is a lot. what are you going to do with 15 kids?
emma: feed them cake.
makes sense.

max running through the house with his gun: "GET THE BAD GUYS!"

Monday, January 16, 2012

emma has been working really hard doing chores to earn money for this princess watch she really wants. on saturday we were mopping the floor together, and emma had been working REALLY hard, so after awhile i said, "emma, you've been working really hard. you can take a break for awhile if you want."
emma: "mom, i'm too busy cleaning to hear you right now."

emma's family prayer last night: "and please bless that max will learn not to hit people because he thinks it's funny, but it's not funny, and it really hurts, and he needs to learn that it's not nice to hit people, and please bless that he can learn to be nice to people."

last night when putting max to bed he called out, "good night choo-choo book! good night dumbo!"

emma loves telling secrets and hearing secrets so we usually tell her secrets like, "you're a pretty girl" or "i love you" and then she responds with a secretive "thank you." max likes to join in too, so he leans in close to our ears and then whispers, "secret."