Monday, January 30, 2012

emma (looking at a wedding picture of me and mark): is that when you married daddy?
me: yep
emma: oh. when i get bigger i'm going to marry daddy in the temple. and i'm going to wear a big white dress and a veil just like aunt kelli. and i'm going to have yellow flowers.

(emma's preschool teacher told me this one).
emma wanted to have a pink bowl at snack time but there was only one, and another little girl had already gotten the pink bowl. so emma's teacher found a pale orange one and assumed she could just convince emma it was pink.
teacher: here's one that's kinda pink
emma: this isn't pink
teacher: sure it is.
emma: it looks awfully orange to me.

sometimes max wakes up early in the morning (5 AM or so) asking for milk. a few mornings ago, i heard him crying in his room, so i went in there expecting him to ask me for a bottle. instead, i was greeted with, "mommy, want to watch spiderman!" sorry kiddo, but 5 AM is way too early to watch cartoons.

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